Sales Performance Enhancement

3 pillars of effective sales activities

June 27, 2024

How do you really drive sales performance? At the end of the day, the intent of all sales systems, whether they are CRMs, BI tools, or sales performance apps, is to help you sell more. It's essential that these tools are based on solid sales psychology. At Numerik, we approach sales performance through three critical buckets of activities: goal tracking, instant data, and activity visibility. These align perfectly with the three criteria we discussed in our previous blog.

1. Goal tracking

As we mentioned before, you can’t get anywhere without knowing exactly where you’re going. Goal tracking involves setting very granular targets, including activity goals, gross profit, and revenue targets. With clear, measurable goals, sales reps have a concrete direction and purpose, which is crucial for driving performance. Establishing clear goals, tracking progress, and ensuring you have buy-in from your sales team are vital steps in this process.

2. Instant data

Your sales team needs instant access to real-time data. Whether they are out on the road or in the office, reps must be able to see what customers are spending and buying. This real-time access to data helps them stay informed and make quick, informed decisions.

Additionally, reps want to see how they’re tracking with their sales goals and performance bonuses. Knowing their progress keeps them motivated and encourages them to sell more. Numerik provides this real-time data access, ensuring that reps always have the information they need at their fingertips. This aligns with the second criterion we discussed: providing reps with instant access to the data they need.

3. Activity visibility

It’s important for sales reps to be able to track their sales activities. This visibility helps them close the loop by allowing them to look at their score sheet and ask, “Okay, well, this is what I did this month. Are these activities actually having an effect on sales?” If an activity isn’t effective, it’s not worth the effort.

Sales reps aren’t looking for admin tasks to fill their day; they want to focus on activities that will help them grow sales. Numerik provides the tools to track these activities, ensuring that reps can focus on what truly drives sales performance. This criterion matches our third point: making sales activity visible to measure effectiveness and drive performance.

Building Numerik with field sales reps

These three pillars of sales activity—goal tracking, instant data, and activity visibility—are based on what we know drives sales results. We've built Numerik in collaboration with field sales reps to focus on the activities that consistently boost sales performance. We understand that you don’t want to waste time on activities that don’t grow sales.


Driving sales performance involves focusing on goal tracking, instant data access, and activity visibility. Numerik supports these pillars by providing tools that ensure your sales team can set and track goals, access real-time data, and monitor their activities effectively. This comprehensive approach helps boost sales performance and ensures that your team focuses on what truly matters.


What is goal tracking in sales?

Goal tracking involves setting specific, measurable targets for sales reps, including activity goals, gross profit, and revenue targets. It provides direction and purpose, which are crucial for driving performance.

Why is instant data important for sales reps?

Instant data allows sales reps to access real-time information on customer spending and buying habits. This helps them make informed decisions quickly and stay motivated by tracking their progress toward sales goals and bonuses.

How does activity visibility benefit sales teams?

Activity visibility helps sales reps track their sales activities and assess their effectiveness. This ensures they focus on activities that drive sales performance rather than unproductive tasks.

How was Numerik developed to support sales performance?

Numerik was built in collaboration with field sales reps to focus on the activities that consistently boost sales performance. By ensuring goal tracking, instant data access, and activity visibility, Numerik helps drive sales results effectively.

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