Sales Tools & Technology

How to ensure a successful sales tool rollout: Lessons from a Numerik customer

June 27, 2024
2 min

We recently got off a call with a new Numerik customer, whose IT team leader shared some valuable insights on rolling out sales tools. Despite having implemented many CRMs over the years, he noted that he had never seen a sales team so excited about the rollout of a new sales tool.

The key to success: Sales team buy-in

In his experience, success isn't necessarily about choosing the tool with the most features. It doesn’t matter how many amazing features a sales tool has; if it hasn't got buy-in from the sales team, encouraging them to adopt and use it will be challenging from the start. His advice was simple yet powerful: go with the sales tool your sales team is most excited about.

Involve your sales team in the selection process

To get a sales team on board, involve them in the process of choosing their new sales tool. Often, sales managers decide what sales tools to invest in, but it’s the reps who will be using these tools daily. By involving them in the decision-making process, you ensure smoother adoption and greater enthusiasm.

Asking the right questions

Engage your sales team early in the tool selection process and relate your fact-finding questions to their day-to-day routines. Here are some questions to consider:

  • What information do you want before visiting a customer?
  • After a customer visit, what do you want to do?
  • What reporting do you want that you're not getting now?

If your team feels that their wish list is part of the criteria used to choose the tool, they're more likely to feel excited about using it. This excitement can vastly improve your chances of a successful rollout.

The impact of excitement on adoption

The IT team leader we’re working with emphasized that having a tool the sales team is excited about is the biggest battle. This enthusiasm can lead to a smoother rollout than any CRM implementation he’s seen before. When sales reps are excited about a new tool, they’re more likely to engage with it, leading to higher adoption rates and better overall performance.


Involving your sales team in the selection process and choosing a tool they’re excited about can significantly impact the success of your sales tool rollout. By asking the right questions and considering the day-to-day needs of your reps, you can ensure that the tool you choose not only meets their needs but also excites them. This approach leads to higher adoption rates, smoother rollouts, and ultimately, a more effective sales team.


Why is sales team buy-in important for new tool adoption?

Sales team buy-in is crucial because if the team is excited about the tool, they are more likely to use it effectively, leading to higher adoption rates and better performance.

How can involving the sales team in tool selection improve adoption?

Involving the sales team in the selection process ensures the tool meets their needs and preferences, making them more likely to embrace and use it.

What types of questions should I ask my sales team during the selection process?

Ask questions related to their daily routines, such as what information they need before and after customer visits, and what reporting they currently lack.

What are the benefits of choosing a tool the sales team is excited about?

Choosing a tool the sales team is excited about leads to smoother rollouts, higher adoption rates, and better overall sales performance.

How can Numerik help with a smooth sales tool rollout?

Numerik provides a user-friendly platform that sales teams can get excited about, ensuring higher adoption rates and more effective use of the tool.

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