Sales Performance Enhancement

Boost sales with Numerik’s new customer dashboard for desktop

June 27, 2024
2 min

Sales reps are buzzing about the power of sharing Numerik’s new customer dashboard in sales meetings. They love how it helps them present themselves as professional category consultants, and, of course, it grows sales. Now, after the successful response we received about the mobile version, the customer dashboard is available for desktop!

Enhancing customer interactions

The customer dashboard not only reminds customers what they’ve bought in the past but also shows their customer group ranking. This feature helps customers realize if they’re not stocking certain popular products, which can drive sales.

Designed for wholesale distribution teams

Numerik is designed to help wholesale distribution sales teams hit their targets. Sales reps using Numerik serve many customers who are part of retail chains, especially in the automotive, construction, and FMCG sectors.

Driving healthy competition

If a customer is part of a chain of stores, there’s a natural sense of healthy competition between the stores. Store owners often compare their sales to other stores in their network. The customer group ranking view in Numerik helps drive that competitive streak. A sales rep might say to a store manager, “Some of the other stores in your chain are going through heaps of these products. But I see you’re not stocking them. Do you want to give them a go?”

Expanding product range

This is a brilliant tactic for reps trying to grow the range a customer stocks. Showing a store their customer group ranking heightens that sense of competition and gives them a push to try something new. You can also adapt this tactic to create a sense of competition between competing chains in the same market sector.

Leveraging market insights

While competitors’ sales data is too commercially sensitive to share, Numerik shows total spend on product categories. You can rank that to show top-selling product categories and drill down to see whether your customer is actually buying that range. Then you can say to your customer, “Here are some top sellers in your market sector that you’re not stocking. These products are absolutely flying out the door. How about giving them a trial?”


The new Numerik customer dashboard is proving to be a real winner for making reps feel polished and professional while boosting the range of products a customer stocks. If you’d like to see a demo, drop me a DM.


What is the new Numerik customer dashboard?

The new Numerik customer dashboard is a tool designed for sales reps to enhance their interactions with customers by providing insights into past purchases, customer group rankings, and top-selling product categories.

How does the customer dashboard help drive sales?

The dashboard helps reps present themselves as professional consultants, reminding customers of their past purchases and showing popular products they may not be stocking, driving increased sales.

What sectors benefit from Numerik?

Numerik is particularly beneficial for sales reps serving retail chains in the automotive, construction, and FMCG sectors.

How does the customer group ranking feature work?

The customer group ranking feature shows how a customer’s sales compare to other stores in their chain, driving healthy competition and encouraging them to stock popular products.

Can Numerik’s dashboard create competition between different chains?

Yes, while direct competitors’ sales data is sensitive, Numerik can show total spend on product categories, helping create a sense of competition and encouraging customers to stock top-selling products in their market sector.

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