Sales Team Motivation & Management

How to transition to online orders without demotivating your sales team

June 25, 2024

Shifting to online orders can inadvertently demotivate your sales team. Many wholesalers are encouraging customers to place orders online, but this transition needs careful management to ensure sales targets are met and sales teams remain motivated.

The current trend in wholesale distribution

In recent years, there's been a significant shift in how orders are placed within the wholesale distribution sector. Take, for example, an automotive parts wholesaler who, six years ago, processed 20% of their orders online and 80% via phone. Today, those figures have flipped, with 80% of orders coming through online channels. This shift has been actively driven by wholesalers who aim to streamline their ordering processes.

The dual motive: cost reduction and customer convenience

The move towards online orders is driven by two primary factors:

  1. Cost reduction: Processing orders online is cost-effective. It reduces the need for a large staff to handle phone orders, which in turn lowers operational costs.
  2. Customer convenience: Online ordering allows customers to place orders at their convenience, 24/7. It also provides opportunities for wholesalers to showcase other products and upsell, enhancing the overall customer experience.

The growing focus on online sales

Given these benefits, it's no surprise that online sales are becoming a focal point for many distributors. However, this brings us to a crucial question: how visible are these online sales to your sales reps?

Visibility of online sales to sales reps

For your sales strategy to be effective, your reps must have clear visibility into online sales. This transparency is essential for several reasons:

  1. Tracking sales performance: Your reps need to know if their efforts to encourage online ordering are paying off. Can they see if a customer's online orders have increased by 30% compared to the previous year?
  2. Sales trends analysis: Sales reps should be able to check if online sales are trending in the right direction. This information helps them tailor their sales pitches and strategies effectively.

Empowering sales reps with information

To ensure your sales team can drive more online orders, they need access to detailed information about online sales before making sales calls. This access allows them to have informed conversations with customers, ultimately driving more online orders.


Transitioning to online orders offers significant benefits, but it's vital to maintain your sales team's motivation by ensuring they have the tools and information needed to track and manage these sales effectively. By doing so, you can achieve a balanced approach that leverages the advantages of online ordering while keeping your sales team engaged and productive.


Q: How can shifting to online orders demotivate my sales team?

A: Shifting to online orders can demotivate your sales team if they lack visibility into those sales. Without access to online order data, they might feel disconnected from the sales process and unsure of their impact on company goals.

Q: Why is visibility into online sales important for sales reps?

A: Visibility into online sales is crucial for sales reps to track performance, identify trends, and tailor their strategies. This information helps them engage with customers more effectively and drive more online orders.

Q: How can I ensure my sales reps have access to online sales data?

A: Ensure your sales reps have access to real-time online sales data through a centralized system or sales dashboard. This access allows them to prepare for sales calls and have informed conversations with customers.

Q: What are the benefits of encouraging customers to place orders online?

A: Encouraging online orders can reduce operational costs, provide convenience for customers, and offer opportunities for showcasing other products and upselling. It streamlines the ordering process and can lead to increased sales.

Q: How can I balance the shift to online orders while keeping my sales team motivated?

A: To balance the shift, provide your sales team with the tools and information they need to track and manage online sales. Ensure they understand the importance of their role in driving online orders and recognize their contributions to the company's success.

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